This Lent several of us will be gathering for Bible Study. In addition to learning Scripture, we’ll be learning a method that is both traditional and effective for going deeper into the Word of God. has developed a curriculum that is adaptable to all ages, and uses a method that is similar to both Lectio Divina and Inductive Bible Study. The method is called RP3 and it leads you through four steps to learn the Scripture well and develop a call to action
R - Read: Simply read through the Bible Passage
P - Picture: List all the details of the passage that you notice. You may want to go through each of your five senses as a starting point. You can also explore The who, what, where, and when of the passage. This step really helps you recall the specifics.
P - Ponder: This step addresses the why. Why was this passage included in the canon or Scripture. Why did the things happen that happened? What is behind God’s response to the specific actions of humans.
P - Put Into Action: Given what you have explored, what kind of impact would this have on your life? Perhaps there’s a project to undertake, or something you’d like to change. The important thing is to do something.
Scripture is such an important part of our lives as Christians. It's important to read it consistently so that we're familiar with the stories and the content. It's also important to spend time drilling deep into the text so we have a sense of its meaning and how it applies to our lives. I'm really excited for this next step in our journey. Please feel free to join us either in person or via Zoom.